Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Seven Months

The little miss is seven months old.  Lately, she has been moving and talking non-stop.  She is not crawling yet, but she scoots backward and turns in circles to get what she wants.  She also reaches for our hands so she can pull herself up.  Squealing, spitting, grunting, fake laughing, and making other sounds is her favorite thing to do.  It is now only quiet at our house when she's sleeping, but it's so fun.

I made this onesie for Monroe.  I love how it turned out.

Seven month birthday

Monroe doesn't stay still long enough for me to get a picture of her anymore.  I have to take about twenty shots to get a couple good ones.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mr. Fix it

Zach and I had needed a new front door for a long time.  The old one had a number of issues.  We had had one picked out for a few months, but we hadn't purchased it because we didn't know who was going to help Zach install it.  We finally borrowed a truck from some friends, and went and got it Thursday night.  We had no plans for installation, but we thought it would get done sooner if we just bought the door.  Friday morning Zach woke up, watched a video on You Tube, went down and got his tools, and set to work tearing out the old door.  A friend of ours came over for a few hours to help lift the door and fit it into place.  Other than that, Zach did the whole project on his own.  It looks awesome!  I am so proud of my handy man!



Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Halloween

Monroe's first Halloween was a lot of fun.  We drove to Hastings to see Zach's family and a few friends.
Lil Strawberry

Photo shoot in the yard

 Great Grandma Dee

Great Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa 

Second cousin, Dedrick

During supper at Grandma and Grandpa's, I couldn't get the food in Monroe's mouth fast enough.  It was quite entertaining.

Goodnight, everyone.