Saturday, February 25, 2012

First steps

Monroe took her first steps last night.  Emily (Derek's girlfriend) and I went downstairs to play with Monroe.  I set Monroe down, and she took two steps toward her activity table.  I screamed for Zach, which scared Monroe and she fell.  We got her to take a few more steps throughout the night, but she would only take one at a time.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Monroe had spaghetti for the first time tonight.  She loved it!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Landon turned one

Monroe's best buddy, Landon, turned one last weekend.  
She was so excited to be invited to his birthday party.

They have so much fun together!

Jadyn and Monroe were eating and playing together.

So big!

Landon's new hat

Landon and Jadyn

Monroe wanted to help Landon open his presents.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ten Months

Watching dad use his new snowblower

First time in the snow

Monroe loves the dishwasher

Happy 10 month birthday!

Monroe is getting so big!  She is standing on her own and walking with her walking toys.  She gives kisses and high fives.  She is eating table food now.  When she's done eating, she is a sticky mess and her lap is covered with food, but she's getting the hang of it.  It seems like she makes new sounds daily. I don't know if she talks or moves more.  Ten months is such a fun age!