Tuesday, April 24, 2012

First year in pictures

I decided today that I want to have the monthly pictures that I took of Monroe on our blog.  I do have them all on the monthly updates, but I wanted to compile them together.  So, I am dating this April something and putting all the pictures together.

What a difference a year makes!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Monroe is One!

Our sweet baby girl turned one!  It is so hard to believe.  
Monroe is walking everywhere.  Now that she is a walking expert, crawling is not good enough. She is also repeating everything.  We have been doing farm animal sounds lately.  Her new favorite things are saying hi and blowing kisses.  I think I get about 50 kisses a day.  She has such a little personality.  On Saturday, I walked into the house and said, "Hi, Baby!"  She smiled and said, "Hi, Mama!"  That was crazy to hear.
This is such a fun time with her.  We are enjoying every minute.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monroe's first birthday party

Monroe's birthday party was on Saturday.  We had a lot of friends and family come celebrate with us.  Here are some pictures of the decorations and the party.
Cake table

My favorite decoration (Thanks Pinterest)

Zach's mom and I got together Friday night to make and decorate the cakes.  She ended up doing all of the cake work while I hung decorations.  She made a three layer cake (left), a miniature three layer cake for Monroe (right), and cupcakes.  They all turned out beautiful and delicious.

The birthday wreath (Pinterest again)

Yarn balls (Pinterest) and tissue paper balls

the living room

On her birthday each month, I took a picture of Monroe.  I hung these and labeled them by month.

It was too cold to be outside, so we put tables and chairs in the basement.

Entrance to our house

For food, we had hamburger cheese dip, buffalo chicken dip, spinach artichoke dip, cream cheese corn dip, hot pepper raspberry cheese ball, veggies with dip, and fruit with dip.  Did you notice the theme?

Family picture

Monroe and her cake table

The Grandmas

Grandmas and Grandpas

Four generations

Monroe got so many fun presents.  She wasn't too impressed with the opening part, but we made it through.  I don't know if I'll ever get to buy her clothes because our family and friends love shopping for her.  I guess I'll stick to headbands and shoes.

Monroe didn't know what to think of the Happy Birthday song

The cake, however, was an immediate hit.  She dug right in.

It didn't occur to me to take video while she was eating, but thankfully our friend, Emily, was on the ball.  Here's Monroe eating her cake.

My two favorite pictures
Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


We traveled to North Platte Friday night for Easter weekend.  Everyone was home, so the house was filled with 14 of us. 
Monroe opening her Easter baskets.  She loved her kazoo.

We spent a lot of time outside on Saturday.  The weather was beautiful!
Monroe wanted Megan to hold her so she could be close to Samara.

The three big kids riding bikes and hunting for Easter eggs.

As soon as Monroe figured out there were animal crackers in the eggs, she sat down to eat.  The big kids kept bringing her more eggs, so she was quite content.

On Sunday after church, we went to my dad's school to use his photography room.  I didn't get any good shots of Monroe because she was too busy.  I did get some cute ones of the others, though.
Sweet girls

I love this one

First picture of the five

Mom and Dad

Josh, Megan, Kaiya, Samara

Rod, Jess, Karter, Jensen

Our family

The Burkles