Saturday, July 21, 2012

Swimming lessons

Monroe started swimming lessons on July 9th.  We had lessons every weeknight from 6:50-7:25 for two weeks.  The lessons were meant to acclimate Monroe to the water.  
Among other things, we worked on blowing bubbles and being comfortable on her tummy.

We took the lessons with some friends, which made going even more fun.  Jadyn, Paisley, and Landon swam with us each night.

John, Megan, and Jadyn

Travis, Ashley, and Paisley

Danielle and Landon (Kurtis was playing drums in the evenings)

 Monroe loved the water!

She didn't, however, like being underwater.  This is how she reacted when we dunked her.

 Monroe's favorite thing to do was jump in.  It was one of the skills we were supposed to work on, so we did it a lot.  She would help us count by saying "two".  As soon as she hit the water, she would say "up" to go again.

 On the last night of lessons, they turned on the water slide. 

 Mommy took the slide nice and slow.

 Then it was Daddy's turn...

I think she liked that ride a little better.

I am so glad our family did swimming lessons this summer.  It was a great time!

Friday, July 20, 2012

15 months

July 15th also marked Monroe's 15 month birthday.  She is growing up so fast!
At 15 months, Monroe is fun-loving, opinionated, and sweet.  (If one can be all those things at once.)  She loves to laugh and play.  She is usually the entertainment at a get-together.  She also says hi to any stranger she sees.  When people don't say hi back, she glares at them.  Monroe also likes things her way.  She does not like being told no and typically continues doing whatever she is told not to do.  I am afraid she is going to be strong willed like her mother.  Thankfully, Monroe also has a sweet side.  She still loves to cuddle and give hugs and kisses.  At an age when she is always on the go, she still plops down in our laps to read a book or lays her head on our shoulders when she's tired.

Monroe is talking constantly.  She amazes us daily with her new words.  She recognizes and says Mommy, Daddy, Papa, Gama, Karter, Jensen, Kaiya, Landon, Paisley, and Jadyn.
She also says no, yeah, up, down, hot, out, ball, car, balloon, more, all done, cracker, cheese, puppy, kitty, woof, uh oh, pretty, itsy, shoes, banana, please, thank you, hi, bye bye, good girl, two, baby, go, open, and boo
Monroe also knows where her mouth, nose, eyes, ears, hair, toes, tummy, button and feet are.

We had her doctor's appointment this week.  Our once tall little girl has not grown much lately.  From birth to 6 months, Monroe was in the 90 percentile for height.  At 9 months, she was in the 75th.  At 12 months, she was in the 50th.  Now, at 15 months, she is in the 25th percentile.  She just might be a shorty.  Other than her lack of growth, her doctor was very pleased with Monroe's progress.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

6 year anniversary

Zach and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary on July 15th.  Zach's parents took Monroe for the night, so we could go out.  We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner, went to the movie, Brave, and then went out for ice cream.  It was a wonderful date.

We didn't get a great picture, but here are our best attempts.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Best man

Zach was the best man in a wedding on July 7th.  Zach and Troy were in diapers together, and they have been great friends ever since.  Zach's family moved away when he was three, but the two stayed close.  When Zach moved back to Hastings his junior year, they picked up where they left off.  They have some great pictures throughout the years.  

Troy agrees that he ruined this picture, but it is the only one I have of the two of them.  And, Zach looks so handsome I had to use it.  

The best man and his best girl

Monroe had never been to a dance before.  She thought it was the greatest thing ever.  

She clapped a lot and bounced.

Daddy did a good job of dancing with her.

And Troy joined in.

I love the look on Monroe's face here!  She is having a blast!

Congratulations to Troy and Ashley Laird!  

Ashley got a job teaching ELA at Knickrehm this fall, so they are moving to Grand Island next month. We are excited to have them in town.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fourth of July

We started our holiday celebrations on the 3rd with a barbecue at Dean and Brenda's house.  A lot of Zach's extended family was there.

First picture of Grandma with her two grandkids

After dinner, we went to the Lochland fireworks show.  Monroe had liked the booms and pretties she had seen in our neighborhood earlier in the week, so I thought she would like the show.

It was a total success.  Monroe loved the pretties and didn't mind the booms!

The next morning, we went to Fisher Fountain for a kid's parade.  
Monroe rode in Dedrick's wagon with him.  

The parade

Then we went and did some of the activities.  Monroe loved the duck pond.

Mikki, our daycare lady, made Monroe this dress.  Isn't it cute?
Uncle Derek tried to help Monroe shoot a basket, but it was a little difficult.

That afternoon we tried swimming (Monroe wasn't in the mood), and then we had a barbecue at Doug and Melinda's house. It was a great time with family and friends.

Happy 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Grandma's piano

Monroe has discovered piano playing.  Whenever we are at Zach's parent's house, she runs to the dining room and says, "Up."  She plunks away for a little while and then gets down.  Within a few minutes she's back in that room asking to be put "up" again.  
The piano was given to Zach's mom when she was six.  It is the piano that she learned to play on.  The piano holds a lot of sentimental value for the family, so they obviously love seeing Monroe playing it.  We'll have to wait and see if her interest in the piano now turns into real playing in the future.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Stolley Park Pool

We took Monroe to a wading pool for the first time last week.  Zach and I were anxious to see how she would do with the water when she was in control.  We were pleased that she didn't seem to have any fear of the water.

She very willingly walked in the water as it snaked around and got deeper.  It took her a little while to get used to walking in the 12" water without falling over, but she figured it out.  There were many times that her face went under or got wet.  She would sputter and gasp, but she never once cried.  

She also figured out that she could sit down in the shallower part.  She would sit down and then look at us like she had done something really cool.

We also realized that we may give too many kisses in our family.  While at the pool, Monroe tried kissing three different kids (total strangers).  It is probably our fault, but she apparently thinks this is a normal way to greet someone.  

We had a great time in the water!  We look forward to going many more times this summer.