Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day

For Memorial Day, Zach's parents hosted a BBQ for their family and invited my parents.  My parents came up Sunday, and we had a great time with them.  The highly anticipated barbecue (I had promised Monroe that we would go swimming, play outside, and eat outside) ended up turning into an indoor party.  It poured rain for two hours straight.  Everyone had fun, but it was definitely a disappointment to not be doing outside activities.
Monroe and Josiah were giving each other kisses and then laughing hysterically.

They loved playing with Christian.

Doing a puzzle with Grandma

I tried to get pictures of everyone at the party.  They obviously weren't posed.

Monroe and Dedrick had a lot of fun together. 
They put together puzzles,
did ring-around-the-rosy,
and did somersaults.

When the rain finally let up, the boys went out to play Polish Horseshoes.  I think the whole family was outside watching them.

To end the night, we watched the Spurs game and laughed at the kids.

When we got back to Grand Island that night, we were shocked to find out that GI got no rain.  I guess 27 miles makes a difference.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day!  We spent most of the day outside, which was great because the weather was perfect.
Zach got me these beautiful hydrangeas.

Then, he sent me to get a pedicure.

For supper, we went to the park and had a picnic.

Me and my girl

Thank you to Zach and Monroe for the great day!  I felt very special!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Some potty success

We started to potty train Monroe officially this week.  We asked Mikki to start taking her at daycare and our goal was to get her to go once a day at home.  Mikki has been taking her all week.  She was willingly sitting on the potty chair, but she hadn't actually gone until today.  Then, today she went three times.  She also went three times at home.  She was so proud of herself, and we were ecstatic.  We know we still have a ways to go, but today felt so refreshing.  We are a lot closer than we thought, and it hasn't been a battle.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April Phone Dump

At the beginning of April, the Newell staff got together for a Day at the Races.  We went to the horse races and then to Whiteys for dinner.  We had a great time.

The night before Monroe's birthday, we went out to eat with Troy and Ashley.  After supper, the waiters brought out a sombrero and fried ice cream and sang Happy Birthday to Monroe.  


I think she liked it.

Troys and Ashes

We went out the next night for Monroe's actual birthday.

She didn't know how to react when the Applebee's servers sang to her.

But she loved the dessert they brought her.

Then they brought her a balloon bee. She could not get enough of it. 

Zach's Aunt Renee' got Monroe dress-up clothes for her birthday.  She loves being a princess.

We went to Lincoln last weekend for our nephew's dedication.  Dustin, Julie and Josiah are the couple one from the right.

Monroe has loved playing outside (when it's not snowing, of course)

She was getting me.

Golf lesson with Daddy

Mikki sent me this picture of Landon and Monroe playing outside one morning.

On a walk with Mommy