Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Monroe's first night of dance

Monroe had her first night of dance last night.  Last spring she started talking about dance and gymnastics.  We told her she had to pick one of them.  Every time we asked her which one she wanted to do, she said dance.  My friend Ashley takes her daughter to the YWCA, so that's where we decided to go too.
At the dance store buying shoes the day before

 Ready to go!

After class, I got a picture of Hayden, Paisley, and Monroe.  The other little girl had already left.

I am excited to watch Monroe perform and see what she learns!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Zach's Graduation Party

Zach graduated with his masters degree this summer, but he didn't walk in the ceremony because it was the weekend of his brother's wedding.  We wanted to celebrate his accomplishment and have people over to see our house, so we had a party on Sunday.  We invited both our families and some friends.  Our friend, Tim was even here from Atlanta for the weekend.  It was an absolutely perfect evening to be outside.  We had a great time playing games and socializing.

Congratulations, Zach!  We are proud of you!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

August Phone Dump

We took Monroe mini-golfing one evening.

Zach's childhood best friend Matt came up for the wedding and stayed with us for a week. I think this is the only picture we took of him.

Shucking corn

We can hear Northwest's band from our house, so one day we walked over and watched their practice.

Monroe's first real dentist appointment went really well.  She did everything they asked and was not scared at all.

Last night of summer

Monroe's first time ever splashing in rain puddles

Shannon was a student teacher in my classroom last year.  She is now in Kuwait teaching third grade.  We had coffee the week she left.

Our friend Shane lives in China.  He came home with his girlfriend, Stella for a few weeks.

Zach's dad's family eats their chocolate cake in milk.  This is Monroe's first time trying it.

Zach's mom's birthday

Monroe falls asleep reading almost every night.

We dropped something beside the dryer and couldn't reach it.  Monroe got it for us.

Monroe and I went to the Grand Island/Kearney game Friday night.  It was a great game, and we stayed the whole time.  Monroe enjoyed reading the program.

Cale Man is 1!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Husker Game

Zach has been asking me for weeks if I wanted to go to the first Husker game.  Everytime he saw tickets for sale, he asked again.  I like going to games that are supposed to be competitive, rather than the ones the first part of the year, so I kept saying no.  On Friday night, however, Zach's Aunt Renee called and offered us free tickets. We couldn't really pass those up :)  Finding someone for Monroe was a little difficult because Zach's parents were out of town and so were all of our Lincoln siblings.  Zach called his grandparents, and they gladly agreed to watch her.

The game was hot, hot, hot, but we made the most of it.  We took a break from the heat at Zach's uncle's tailgate at halftime.  We didn't get back in time to see Westercamp's catch, which was a bummer.

After the game, we met the Elsbury's at a bar for a quick drink before we headed home.  It was a wonderful day together!