Thursday, January 29, 2015

2014 Yearbook

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It is January, and my 2014 family yearbook is already completed!  This is a record for me.  Last year, I didn't have it done until June, and the year before was even later.  I am so thankful that I started making yearbooks four years ago.  We love having these memories to look back on.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mommy and Me Day

On Saturday, Monroe and I had Mommy and Me day at her preschool.  We had a devotional time, made a craft, ate muffins, and shopped at the book fair.  It was a fun time for just us.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

December Phone Dump

For 'M' week at preschool, Monroe answered questions about me.

 We went to Walmart one Saturday to get a picture with Santa.  Monroe was shy.

 We went to Newell Skate Night
Mornoe didn't like it, and Zach's skate hurt his foot, but I had fun :)

 Monroe went to Nana and Papa's musical for the first time this year.  
Hanging out with Alex

 Some guys from Zach's school host an ugly sweater Christmas party every year. 
 The guys


GISH staff

Mikki did so many cute crafts this month.  Monroe made this and then ate it.

Our good friends, Patrick and Emily, had a baby on December 19th.  Baby Everett is Cale's new brother.

I love getting everyone's Christmas cards!

New Elsa costume and doll

Toasty on a freezing cold day

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year's Eve

We spent New Year's Eve in Hastings with Zach's family. 

Zach was the baby whisperer.  Everytime Oliver was crying, Zach was able to calm him down.

Dustin found a kids' countdown to the new year video.  We watched it and had a dance party at 9:30 and then got the kids ready for bed.

Second cousins

It was a happy ending to 2014.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


We came home to some snow on Sunday, and then it snowed more on Monday.  Monroe did not play in snow a single time last winter (there really wasn't any last year), so I plan to take advantage of every opportunity this year.  My parents had stayed with us the night before, so they got to play with us.


We made Monroe's pool into a sled

Our backyard is beautiful covered in snow.

Zach got to use his snowblower too.

I think the snow is sticking around, so hopefully we can build a snowman when it warms up.