Saturday, February 21, 2015

Daddy and Me Day

This morning Zach and Monroe had Daddy and Me day at preschool.  
I volunteered to help, so I got to take pictures of them.

They had some fun activities planned for the dads.  

 Monroe got to cover Zach with shaving cream and then shave him with a popsicle stick.  It was super cute!

Landon shaving Kurtis and Grace shaving Freddy

Making airplanes with our old next door neighbors

 Then they made handprint art

Having donuts

Reading books

It was a fun morning!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Do you want to build a snowman or two?

Zach was out of town this weekend at a coaching clinic in Kansas City.  Monroe and I enjoyed our girl time together.  On Saturday, the weather was perfect for building a snowman.  We wore our coats outside but took them off right away.  
Building a snowman was actually a good workout.  Monroe tried to help, but she basically just cheered me on and packed snow here and there.  

Sally the Snowman

She was so proud of it!

A neighbor who was out for a walk took a picture for us.
Monroe thanked me over and over for having the idea to build a snowman.  She thought it was so fun!

The next day, our snowman had melted, so Monroe asked Zach to build her a new one.

Meet Chet

Two snowmen in two days.  What a beautiful weekend!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Snow Days

We had two snow days this week!  The first one was on Monday.  They called off school on sunday evening, which was nice.  We knew we could shut off alarms and sleep in.  
I made pancakes for breakfast, but then Zach decided to make them into different shapes.

Then we let Monroe pick a movie to watch.  She picked Shrek the musical, which we saw in Wichita this summer.

The sun over the snow-covered trees was beautiful that night.

 We had school on Tuesday, and the sun was shining.  It was a beautiful day.  That night, however, it was supposed to snow again.  I was hoping that we wouldn't have another snow day because the next one would have to be made up later.  We went to bed not knowing Tuesday night.  On Wednesday morning at 5:30 both of our phones rang.  Our superintendent had called off school again 
The falling snow was beautiful!

We didn't go outside on Monday because Monroe had a cough and runny nose.  She still had both on Wednesday, but we decided we couldn't spend two snow days inside.  

 We had a great time!

It is so nice to have snow days as a family.  This week has been nice, although I hope we don't have anymore.

Monday, February 2, 2015

January Phone Dump

New gallery wall for Monroe's art

Zach and I did a puzzle, one of my favorite activities.

Playing in the snow

My best friend from high school, Leslie, and her husband, Dustin, came to visit us on their way back to Tulsa after Christmas.

Out to dinner

My second set of Jamberry nails

New outfit

Kitchen helper

Monroe's great grandma gave Monroe money for Christmas, so we were able to get her a few other things on her Christmas list.  

She got the Wizard of Oz movie and a Frozen towel.

Zach bought me a new puzzle just because.  It was extremely hard because the pieces looked like this.  

Movie night

My childhood best friend, Chelsey, hosts a preliminary Miss Nebraska pageant here in town.  I found out it was free, so Monore and I had a date night.

Tower building

Monroe is IN LOVE with Nathan and Kyndell, the couple whose wedding she was in in November.  She wanted to paint them a heart and send it to them.  We also included an adorable letter that she narrated.

They sent us a picture with the heart the day they got it!

Pajama day

Ice cream

Game night with friends

I have not known what to do with the built-in cabinets next to our kitchen.  Last weekend, I suddenly had the idea to make one into a coffee bar.  We used a scrap piece of wood from our table, so we only bought brackets and cup hooks.  I think it looks great and makes sense in that spot. 

Crazy hair day at preschool

We played at Ryder park one warm day, and then walked up Tornado Hill.  I love this picture!

Bracelet making

Play date with Grace