Monday, October 31, 2016

Parent Night at Dance

Last Thursday was parent night at Monroe's dance class.  We got to see everything they've learned.  This year, she is in a combo class of tap, ballet, and jazz.  Jazz is new.  It was also the week before Halloween, so the girls got to wear their costumes.

She's so flexible!

They have one teacher for tap and ballet and a different teacher for jazz.

Monroe loves dance!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Pumpkin Patch with Newell

We went to the Pumpkin Patch with Newell friends last Sunday.  I was excited to go as a family, but one of the boys didn't have a good morning nap.  We decided Zach would stay home with them, and I would take Monroe.  It was another gorgeous day!

A bunch of crazy kids

We had a great time!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Five Months

The boys are five months old!

One of my very favorite pictures of them

We bought a walker at a garage sale that the boys love.

Go Islanders!

So perfect!

Holding his own bottle (only for a moment)

The boys are on the move!  In the above picture, I set the boys down next to each other.  Within a minute Graham had scooted this high.  They both love jumping in their jumperoo and moving backward in the walker.  They can roll over, but they don't do it often.  They have found their feet and like blowing raspberries.  Something is always in their mouths-a toy or their hands.  Lots of drool comes with that.
They are such happy guys!  We've found them staring and talking to each other more often lately.  They keep each other entertained.
Sleep is still a problem.  They get up 3 or 4 times to eat.  We do have some plans in place to fix this.  More on that in the future.

They turned 5 months the Sunday of conference week, so we didn't get a chance to weigh them until that Friday.  Graham is 17 lbs, 14.5 oz and Pierce is 17 lbs, 11 oz.  They are in the 72nd and 69th percentile for weight.

Could they be any cuter?