Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Seven Months

Our boys are seven months old!  
 Eating bananas

Watching us do the tree

Trying on their fancy outfits

 We found a tooth in Pierce's mouth on November 23rd, at 6.5 months.  His second one popped through two days later.  We didn't have any fussiness or other side effects.  Graham got his first a week after Pierce on the 30th.  His second one is just now coming through, two weeks later.  They have been easy teethers so far, and for that we are thankful!

Too tired to hang any longer

Sitting in Sister's chairs

 Sweet potatoes and carrots

I love this picture, but they look more different than they do in real life.  Graham was sitting forward while Pierce was back, so Graham's face looks a lot fuller.  This is a good representation of their smiles lately, though.

Congratulating Uncle Derek on a big win

Nothing cuter than a sleeping baby

The boys have gotten their first colds, their first teeth, and had their first food.  The colds and teeth have actually gone better than the food.  They have figured out how to pick the food up and get it to their mouths, but they won't swallow it.  When Graham gets a piece of something in his mouth, he grunts and groans until he works it back out.  Pierce just spits it out.  I'm not sure how long it will take to figure it out. 
They have started sleeping through the night!  Woohoo!  They started right before seven months, and they've been pretty consistent.  Naps and bedtime are still going great.
Jumping in their jumperoos is still their favorite thing to do.  They also like sitting together with a pile of toys between them.  They have started taking toys out of each other's hands, which has been comical.  They are both rolling more.  A few times Graham has rolled over in his crib, and then gotten really upset because he doesn't know what to do.  They both love their Mama.  They give big smiles or get fussy when they see me.  
We love our handsome guys so much!  

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Christmas program

Monroe had her first elementary school Christmas program last Monday.  

She was so excited to wear this fancy dress from Grandma.

Paisley and Joanna are the two friends Monroe talks about the most.

They sang four songs



My third graders performed as well.

Newell friends

Monday, December 5, 2016

Vow Renewal

My parents' 40th wedding anniversary is December 11th.  They decided they wanted to renew their vows in a ceremony Thanksgiving weekend.  I knew it would be a special event, but the whole thing was even neater than I expected.  

Waiting for his bride

Megan played Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring as everyone walked in.  It is a very difficult song, and clarinet is not Megan's main instrument.  She did awesome!

The kids carried the rings and scattered rose petals. They were proud of their important jobs.

My brothers walked my mom down the aisle.

The ceremony was done by Pastor Noah, who was my parents' pastor for many years.

The kids did such a great job sitting in the front row.

The boys were content, so we left them in their seats.

Rod read from 1 Corinthians 13.

Zach and I sang "Charity" a song they had at their wedding.

My dad read all about how they met and started dating and other events from the last 4o years.  I learned some things I had not heard before.

My mom read a poem she wrote 34 years ago.
They also renewed their vows and exchanged rings.

My mom also thanked her seven kids and gave each of us a rose.

This is my mom's 40 year old wedding dress!!

After the ceremony, we had a reception.  Jess had done the decorating.

Our beautiful family

The boys

The girls

One of my favorite pictures of the night

Their first dance

My parents chose some great music to dance to.  I loved each song that came on.

The boys did a great job staying up more than two hours past their usual bedtime.  They only got fussy toward the end. 

Doing the YMCA

We had an absolutely wonderful evening celebrating my parents!  I am thankful for the marriage example they have set for all of us!
Congratulations on 40 years, Mom and Dad!