Sunday, October 22, 2017

September Fun

I didn't do a very good job taking photos in September.  Most of these pictures are from Grandma (she watches the boys on Mondays) or from Alysa, our nanny.

Our favorite pajamas :(

Playing piano with Quinn

At the dentist

Toy hoarder

Full of water

Stuhr Museum field trip

Monroe and I went junking during Junk Jaunt for the first time ever.  We bought this table that is an old egg incubator made by my neighbor.

We also got a bunch of fun pumpkins.

We had a crazy amount of butterflies around Grand Island last month.

We had a dip contest at Newell.  I won the sweet dip category and Renee won the savory category.

The rest of these are all from Alysa, our nanny.




Friday, October 13, 2017

Jess turned 40!

My sister turned 40 on September 30th.  We went to Eagle for the night to help her celebrate.

Zach (29), Erin (33), Josh (37), Jess (40)

We hung our at Jess and Rod's for a while.  Then we went to a bar in Eagle.  Jess and Rod had talked to a few of their friends who play instruments and asked them if they would want to play for Jess' birthday.  They practiced for a couple months leading up to the party.  They put together three hours of Jess' favorite songs, and they were Awesome!  Chubbs Revenge was the band name, named after Jess and Rod's old dog.

It was a great night!  Happy birthday, Jess!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

New Niece

My brother's wife Megan was pregnant with their fourth baby.  They haven't found out the gender with any of their pregnancies, and so far they've had three girls.  We were so excited to find out if this one would be a boy or girl number 4.   On September 7th, Megan delivered baby girl number four!  

Emryn Eliana Burkle

We went to meet her that weekend.

We love her!