Thursday, April 26, 2018

Monroe's 7th Birthday

Monroe turned 7 on Sunday, April 15th.  We had a fun day celebrating her.

Sprinkle covered waffles for her birthday breakfast

She chose Fuji for her birthday dinner.

For her birthday song, they gave Monroe the tambourine.  She was supposed to shake her booty everytime they repeated a certain part.  She loved it!

After supper, we went home for gifts and dessert.

I love her face in this picture when she opens her last gift.  This is the only thing she asked for--a mi band.  It is a fitness bracelet.  We also got her rollerblades, real makeup, and swim goggles.

She requested a strawberry cake, so she and I made a jello poke cake together.

Happy 7th birthday, sweet girl!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

New nephew

On March 16, our nephew Edison Reid was born to Dustin and Julie. 
He was in the NICU for a few days, and then we had sick boys, so we didn't get to meet him right away.
We finally got to hold him on our way home from Great Wolf Lodge.  It was Easter Sunday.

Monroe was in Heaven

Pierce and Graham did not know what to do with him.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Easter at Great Wolf Lodge

Last December my family spent Christmas at Great Wolf Lodge.  We had a wonderful time, except that our hotel rooms were nowhere near each other.  I made a big deal of it to the manager.  He gave us two free and two $99 rooms for another time.  We decided to all go back this Easter.  With my dad doing Chemo treatments, my parents decided not to come.  
On our way

I don't have too many pictures of the water because we were obviously busy swimming. 
Pierce and Graham loved the baby pool.  

Their cousin Karter was often there playing with them.

Monroe and Karter


Karter, Josh, Finley, and Monroe

Megan and Emryn

Toothbrush party

The boys loved the baby pool slides.  They went over and over and over again!

Kaiya and Monroe

Outside of the pool, we did other fun activities.  I took the three big girls to do two scavenger hunts in the hotel.

Mini golf

 The kids also had a great time at the arcade.

On Sunday morning, we took the kids to the lobby so that we could hide eggs in our rooms.

Last Christmas

Emryn is the only new one in this picture, yet the group looks so much bigger.

We did our Easter egg hunt in the four hotel rooms.  We stuck with my mom's system of having each kid have a different color egg to find.

Then we passed out Easter baskets.

Great Wolf Lodge was wonderful!  We will definitely be back again.