Saturday, July 28, 2018

Doniphan Diabetes Dash

One of my good friend's sons has type 1 diabetes.  He was diagnosed about a year and a half ago.  He and his parents have been so strong as they figure out their new way of life.  Because of the expenses related to diabetes, Matt and Abby organized the first annual Doniphan Diabetes Dash.  They will donate the money raised to Nebraska families who have a child diagnosed with type 1.
This was Monroe's first race.

The Newell family

And they're off!

Zach and I walked with friends and pushed the boys.  We actually signed up to run the 5k.  It was intended to motivate us to train a little bit, but it didn't happen.

Monroe got second place in her age division!  That was a fun surprise.

After the race, Matt and Abby had everyone over to their house to grill and swim.  Everyone had a great time!

Out on the canoe

It was a great day for a great cause!
Awesome job, Elsburys!

(Thanks for all the awesome pictures, Ashley!)

Friday, July 27, 2018


Monroe had a wonderful year of softball.  We had her play up a league for her age, and I am glad we did.  She learned so much more this year.  It was a huge jump from T-ball but a good one.

The boys did well.  An hour and a half of sitting two nights a week is a lot.  We had a picnic supper at each game to keep them busy for some of the time.

Batting was definitely her favorite part

First base was her favorite position to play.

Each girl was assigned to pitch one night.  Monroe was nervous, but she did well.

This is Monroe's friend Paisley hitting off Monroe's pitch.

It was a fun year of softball.  We all look forward to next year.