Friday, October 18, 2019

Stitches for Pierce

I got a phone call from daycare one day at about 3:00 that Pierce had hit his head and needed to see a doctor.  I sent a picture to my friend who was working at the ER and he said I'd be good to go to a clinic.

Zach met us there.  Just like his brother, Pierce didn't flinch, cry, or react in anyway to the shots and stitches.  The only thing that bothered him was having his head held down.  
We were done in 20 minutes, stopped for ice cream, and then headed to Wednesday night church.

We had the stitches removed a week later on a Wednesday after school.  The doctor and I thought it had healed well.

The next day, I took the kids to play at the park.  At one point Pierce ran over to me saying he had hurt his owie.  He had a bandaid over it, and he wasn't crying, so I assumed it was okay.  That night when I changed his bandaged, I was shocked to see what it looked like.  It looked to be split open. Zach wasn't home, so I waited to get his opinion in the morning.
This is Friday morning.  I called the clinic and was able to email them a picture.  They wanted him brought back in.  Thankfully, the same doctor who had removed the stitches Wednesday was the doctor there.  He said that he must have reinjured it because it had looked great.  He tried steristrips, but he ended up putting in two more stitches.  I thought for sure that Pierce would fight us this time knowing what was coming.  But, again, he was a total champ.  The doctor recommended that we leave them in longer than a week this time, because it was a secondary injury.

Ready to take them out, again.

It's hard to tell what it will look like, but I am thankful for how high on his forehead it is.  His hair easily covers it.  I am also thankful for a tough, brave little boy.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

September Fun

spending the evening with friends

One of our new favorite playgrounds

Visiting Grandma Dee in the hospital

Zach talking to his team after the game

We had a little birthday party for our neighbor Ashley

field trip

Pierce - age 3

Monroe - age 8

Graham - age 3

Meeting Baby Sophie - our newest second cousin

I took my students to a nearby nursing home.  We taught the residents how to play King's Corner.  It was a neat morning.

A day tailgating with friends

Singing in the choir

Overhand serving this year

Not sure what they were watching, but they sure look cute

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

My Grandma's Funeral

My Grandma Dorothy, my mom's mother, died September 5th in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She lived to be 88!  Her funeral was a few weeks later in Iowa, so that her brother could attend the funeral.  

Pierce was sitting all by himself in front of a gravestone

The cousins that were able to attend
(It's been 10 years since we were together.)

After the funeral, we drove two hours to bury her remains with my grandpa's.

We had a wonderful time that evening hanging out at the hotel, playing games and laughing.