Tuesday, November 9, 2021

October Fun

Monroe was a lucky girl this fall.  She got to attend her first Husker volleyball game and her first Husker football game. Zach got tickets for the two of them to attend the Michigan game.  It was a night game that we lost in the closing minutes.  What an experience!

Since Monroe was getting that experience, I planned a fun day for the boys.  I invited a couple of their friends to go bowling with us.

New slippers for a slipper day at school

Hastings just completed a new inclusive playground, and it is so fun!

Dress up days at school



They love playing football right now

I brought home some pool noodles and asked Zach to help me make goal posts.  He took this job very seriously.

Our school does a Boo Thru, which is like a Trunk or Treat, but the kids stay in their cars.
K State vs Nebraska


My family driving through

Monroe went to an 80s Halloween party with some friends.

Our three trees out front all drop their leaves at the same time, and they drop them early. It makes for a lot of work at once, but then the work is done, for the most part.

Monday, November 8, 2021


We've done a theme with the kids' costumes ever since the boys were born, but Zach and I don't usually participate.  When the boys picked Frozen this year, we decided we all needed a costume.  This might become a new tradition.

Some friends invited us to their house for dinner before trick-or-treating.  We had an early supper and then went out in their neighborhood.  It was fun to walk around with friends while the kids ran ahead.

After some trick-or-treating, we went to visit the grandparents.

It was a fun evening, as always.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Carving Pumpkins

While we were in Omaha, our kids got to carve pumpkins with Nana and Papa and their cousins.  We hadn't found time to do this, and the kids were asking, so I was thankful that Nana and Papa took it on.