Wednesday, May 4, 2022

April Fun

The boys had kindergarten round up for next fall.


They were so excited for all things kindergarten after the round-up.

Dyeing Easter eggs with Nana

parent visitation night at dance



children's museum

We had a hot evening, and my sourdough raised way more than it has before

My dad was at our house on his birthday, so I made him french toast with homemade sourdough bread.  Yum!

new fun plant

my teaching partner is having her first baby

My student and I made the front cover of the district's annual report.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Husker Volleyball Game


The Husker Volleyball team usually plays one game somewhere in the state.  This year it was in Grand Island.  We got tickets to go with my parents.  When we walked in, we were amazed how close we were to all the players.  

Our favorite player was not suited up, so we went over to meet her and get her autograph. 

Some good friends were also at the game.

Monday, May 2, 2022


 We had a disappointing soccer season.  Al three kids played, and they did very well.  Unfortunately, we only got to play in three games because of weather and a wedding.  The three games they did play in were all cold.

P                        G

This game was so stinking cold, and it's the game a lot of family came to. We thought they were crazy!

Sunday, May 1, 2022



We spent Easter in Lincoln with my family.
Watching cartoons at Grandma's

While my parents dyed eggs with the kids, the other adults hid the eggs.

My parents had this cool dyeing machine.  The eggs turned out really neat!