Friday, January 13, 2023

Husker Volleyball

 We loved following the Husker volleyball team again this year.  We watched most every game, and our kids were obsessed with all the players.  

Monroe and I went to the first round of the National tournament together.

We were so sad when Kenzie Knuckles got hurt, and it started looking like a trip back to the championship game may be out of reach.  

Even though the finish wasn't what we wanted, it was such a fun year of volleyball with great girls to watch and look up to.

We LOVE Husker Volleyball!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

November Fun

I was apparently in a polka dot mood when I ordered some new shoes :)

Disguised turkeys- Darth Vader for Pierce

Husker Football player for Graham

My friend, Chelsy, has a charcuterie board making business.  She did a class for a group of us and taught us some of her tricks.

Isn't this beautiful?!?


Career day at school.
It snuck up on us, so they went as a football player and a basketball player.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


The boys earned their first colored belts in taekwando.  They were excited to no longer have white belts.
Pierce went first

Then Graham

Good job, boys!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


 We spent Thanksgiving day with Zach's family.  We were short some families, but we had a great time!

We made a fun brie dish for Thanksgiving

And the boys requested another turkey platter

We were short a family at the Burkle Thanksgiving a few days later as well.

We had a blast playing a family game of kickball!

Monday, January 9, 2023

Piano Recital

 All three kids are now taking piano lessons.  The boys look forward to lessons and don't mind practicing. 

They had their first recital in mid November. The boys were so nervous, but they did great! 







Sunday, January 8, 2023


Monroe was asked to play on a basketball team this year.  She had never played before, but she was up for trying it.  The team she joined had a few players with a lot of experience and others with little to none.  They have been very supportive in teaching her the game.  She really enjoys the girls and the social outlet.  She also enjoys the game of basketball more than she thought she would.