Thursday, August 24, 2023

Camping Birthday Party

Zach's parents celebrated each of their 60th birthdays and their 40th anniversary all in one week.  To celebrate, they wanted the family to go camping.  We went to Harlan for the weekend. Our family rented a camper.  It was our favorite one we've rented so far.  

We did a lot of boating and tubing.

I ordered their cakes from Redbird Bakery.  Melinda chose a white cake with a raspberry filling and Doug chose a chocolate cake with chocolate ganache filling.  Both were delicious!

For a gift their kids got them a gift certificate to get their colors done.  They love fashion and clothes, so we thought they would enjoy this.

Happy birthday and anniversary, Doug and Melinda!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Back to School

Summer is over and school has begun.  
Our boys requested to be in separate classes this year, so...
Pierce has Mrs. Hunsley

And Graham has Mr. Butler

Monroe is a 7th grader
She's excited to have almost every one of her friends on her team.  She's also excited about school volleyball.

Zach is starting year 16 of teaching.



I am starting year 18.

Greeted by the Hastings College football team

Pierce was on the news!

Monday, August 21, 2023



Monroe and I went shopping in Omaha before school started

And then I surprised her with Hamilton tickets.  She was ecstatic.

My sister-in-law surprised her older two girls, and we happened to get tickets for the same night.  We went to dinner first. 

I loved seeing Hamilton again.  It is amazing every time!  I spent the whole evening with chills.  
So, so good!