Wednesday, September 27, 2023

August Fun


Nana and Papa took the kids for a back-to-school day in Kearney.

yard games with the neighbors

Some more fishing

helping make supper

There was a kite festival/event near our house.
Many of these were huge!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

State Fair

Our state fair day started out disappointing.  Zach is coaching high school football, and the team had played their first game the night before.  It got rained out after the 3rd quarter, and the other team wanted to come back the next day to play the last quarter.  That meant Zach couldn't go with us to the fair.  The weather was supposed to be perfect, and Monroe had planned to meet friends there, so I didn't want to switch days.  
It ended up working out.  The only part that was stressful was lunch.  They all wanted something from different vendors.  We spent a lot of time waiting on each other.

In 13 years of going to the state fair, I have never seen a live birth.  This year, we got to see pigs being born!  It was a cool experience.

This guy was sleeping while standing.

These new piglets were much smaller than the others.

The boys got to drive their own bumper cars.  I was afraid they would struggle, but they did great and loved it!

Graham rode the big coaster with our neighbor, John.

Despite single parenting, it was a great day!