Friday, January 19, 2024

3 Snow Days in one week


We were lucky enough to get two snow days in a row the second week back to school!  And, we knew about both at supper time the night before, which is even better.  We had a great time doing a lot of nothing for two days.
The kids had fun playing in the snow

We brought a mattress to the living room, and they slept there both nights.

I was trying to get a picture of this drift.  It was two feet high.

We played a lot of games
We got quite a few games for Christmas that we are loving! Our new games are:  Farkle, Jokers and Marbles, Five Alive, Sequence (we've had junior sequence games, but this is our first time having adult Sequence), Battleship Royale (battleship with multiple players), Bananagrams (the boys aren't able to play this independently yet), Quirkle, Ticket to Ride junior (much quicker than Ticket to Ride, which we've had for a while).
I would recommend all of these games if you're looking for new ideas.

Update:  After writing this blog post about snow days on Monday and Tuesday, we got another snow day on Friday.  We thought that we would for sure have school after the first two snow days, but Friday had the worst weather of the three.
In addition to the Friday snow day, all of our activities for the weekend were cancelled due to very cold temperatures.  I don't mind time at home, but by the end of the weekend, we were all going a little stir crazy.  

The drift grew some more

We did get out to go bowling with our neighbors Saturday night.

The next Monday we already had off for Martin Luther King Jr Day, but a lot of schools in the area had to cancel again.  With the temperatures being so low, there was no snow melt, so it all just kept blowing around and drifting roads. 
It was a crazy week for weather!

Monday, January 8, 2024

December Fun

The boys asked for a drawing from Ellie, and this is what she left them.

A band concert
One of her good friends recently switched to French horn.  Monroe has enjoyed helping her learn the new instrument.

We absolutely loved watching Husker volleyball this season.  This game was Texas vs Wisconsin.  We were surprised when Texas easily beat Wisconsin.  Then, the next game, they swept us in the national championship game.  So disappointing.

the bell ringers were dressed in Star Wars costumes

The boys had a Christmas music program

The 9 had a Christmas party
We exchanged scratch cards.  At one point some people were convinced we had won $30,000. Unfortunately, they were wrong, and we won very little.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

New Year's Eve

We got together with friends for New Year's Eve.  We played a bunch of fun games.

Andrea and I won

Happy New Year!

Saturday, January 6, 2024



It snowed on Christmas Day, which was fun! 
We went sledding about five days later before the snow all melted.

It was a beautiful day!

Friday, January 5, 2024

A day in Lincoln

For Christmas, the kids got Scheels gift cards from my parents and an Urban Air gift card from their cousins.  We decided to make a day of it over break and go to Lincoln. 

I thought Urban Air was a trampoline park, but they had so much more to do than just that.  The kids spent very little time on the trampolines.

The zip line was one of their favorite parts

watching the boys do a virtual reality video game was quite funny

Their other favorite part was the climbing walls

After Urban Air, we went to supper with my parents and my sister's family.