Sunday, August 28, 2011

Blessings through raindrops

This morning in church a girl sang the song Blessings by Laura Story.  I had heard the song before, but it really made me emotional this morning.  Infertility was the hardest thing we have ever been through, but we knew it was happening for a reason.  Today, we are so thankful for the rain because we get to hold the most beautiful rainbow.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Meet Mr. Muskrat

Friday afternoon, Sawyer was outside playing, and I was inside with Monroe.  He started barking and wouldn't stop.  After about ten minutes, I went to investigate.  I tried calling him inside, but he wouldn't come.  He was barking at the flowers behind our air conditioner.  I figured it was a snake or bunny, so I went to grab Sawyer.  When I got closer, the flowers were moving, and I realized whatever it was was lunging back at him.  This was no snake or rabbit.  I had to put Monroe back inside, but then I had no idea what to do.  I called Zach, but his phone was dead.  Just then, I saw my neighbor, Jana, come out of her house, so I yelled to see if her husband Eric was home.  (He is the type that would love to come over and catch the animal.)  He wasn't home, but he was on his way.  In the meantime, she and I tried to get a good look at the animal.  It was the size of a large rabbit with a pointy nose.  When Eric got home, he came over with a shovel and bucket.  When he tried to push the animal into the bucket, it started fighting with the rake.  Thankfully, he got it in on the next try.  Once he had it in the bucket, though, we didn't have a plan.  We covered the bucket with the cover to our firepit.  The animal was trying to jump out and gnawing at the wire.  Then Eric told me to call the Humane Society.  At first, the lady on the phone told me to double bag it and throw it in the trash.  I asked if we were supposed to kill it.  She said, "It's alive?  No, don't kill it. I'll send an officer over."  While we waited for the officer we tried to figure out what the animal was.  It looked like a beaver with a rat's tail.  We also looked at the place where we'd found it.  There was a bed of fur and grass behind the air conditioner, so we think that it'd been there a while. During this time, Emily, Zach and Ben had come over/home.  Each one was surprised by our discovery.  When the officer finally got here, he transferred him to a cage, and I took pictures.  It was an eventful Friday afternoon.

Our make-shift cage

It's playing dead.

Moving the Nicklins

The guys were hard at work, while the girls...

posed for pictures and carried a few things.

The Nicklins had some very heavy furniture, and the guys had to get really creative to fit it all in the van.  At one point their creativity was a little too much for us girls.
There was a treadmill that needed to come down from an upstairs bedroom.  They got the bottom part down, but they couldn't get the handles to fit down the stairs.  Zach had the brilliant idea to go out the window.  The handlebar piece was both heavy and awkward, so we girls hated the idea.  The guys, however, didn't much care for our opinion.  Danny and Zach were up in the window, Patrick was on a ladder (stupid), and Grant and Anthony were on the ground.  

 Zach and Danny are pleased with their work.         Grant and Anthony are shocked that it worked.

Saying farewell to friends

We always knew our friends Danny and Nicole were big city people, so we dreaded the day they would move away.  This summer they decided it was time for Danny to go to grad school, and they chose Minneapolis for this adventure.  
We went to college with the two of them at Hastings.  We really got close, though, in the last four years living in Grand Island.  They are some of our most favorite people, and we will miss them dearly.  

Before they left we had a going away party for them at Fuji Japanese Steak House.  The food was delicious.  We went with the Savages, Bachmans, Johnstons, and Nicklins.

Excited for dinner

 The other side of the table

Our grill master

The gang
(Check out the crazy storm in the background)

The ladies

 The men

Danny and Monroe snuggling

We love and miss you, Nicklins!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First day of school

Just waking up

Ready to go

Four Months

Monroe had her four month appointment today.  She weighs 14 lbs 7 oz (75th percentile) and she is 25 1/2 in long (90th percentile).  As a four month old, she is rolling over both ways, trying to sit up, grabbing everything, and putting everything in her mouth.  She is obsessed with her tongue and chewing on her hands. When her doctor saw how much she moved when lying on her belly today, she said she'll be crawling by 6 months.  She recommended that we start baby-proofing.  I hope that she's wrong because I'm not ready for that.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer goals achieved

At the beginning of the summer I set a few goals that I wanted to accomplish before school started again.  

They were:
1) Read five books
2) Paint a new painting
3) Get back into my jeans

Let's see how I did.

I read these five books.  I enjoyed them all and would recommend them, but I wouldn't say they were my favorite reads ever.  The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo series was my favorite, but it is very racy, so be prepared.  They are definitely not children's books.  The Same Kind of Different as Me is an inspirational true story that was very good.  Water for Elephants was good, but not what I expected.

These are the paintings I did for our bathroom.  I had painted these canvases once before, but I never really liked them.  When I decided to redo them, I needed a plan.  I painted the background with gold, and then dry brushed bronze over that.  When it was dry, I tore strips of tape to make the lines.  The tearing was a pain, but I didn't want straight lines.  Then I painted over the tape with a metallic purplish brown.  When the tape was ripped off, here is what they looked like. I love them!

As for the jeans...

I did it.  It could be better, but it could be worse.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

all dressed up

Zach's parents took us out for our anniversary.  I was excited to get Monroe all dressed up for the occasion.  This is one of my favorite outfits of hers.

Monroe and Grandma

Monroe rolled over

I was changing Monroe's diaper at school this week when she suddenly rolled over.  I wasn't expecting that, so I got a picture of her right after the roll.  I had two other teachers in my room, so I had witnesses.  The official date was August 6th-almost four months old.


Monroe loves to giggle, and we love to make her giggle.  There is no better sound in the world!