Saturday, December 3, 2011


We spent the first two days of our Thanksgiving vacation with Zach's family.  We had a nice day relaxing on Wednesday with his siblings and parents.  On Thursday, the whole family came over for dinner and stayed most of the day. 

Family picture

Great Grandma and Monroe played piano together
On a whim, Derek, Emily, Dustin, Julie, Zach, and I went to Walmart at 11:00 Thursday night.  We thought it would be fun to see what Black Friday shopping is like.  One foot inside the doors, we were reminded of why we don't do the Black Friday thing.  It was crazy!

On Friday morning we got to North Platte in time for the first annual Iowa Nebraska game.  My family is from Iowa, so we are all Hawkeye fans.  We cheer for the Hawkeyes anytime they're not playing Nebraska.

That night, we went to the park to feed the animals.  Kaiya loved it.

Kaiya kept asking Lorenzo the Llama to come closer.

On Saturday my sister's family got to North Platte.  (She had been sick the day before.) We had Thanksgiving dinner and hung out.
Karter, Jensen, and Monroe

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