Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Going to the Pumpkin Patch this year with a 17-month-old was so much more fun than going with a five-month-old last year.  Monroe loved exploring and experiencing new things. 
We actually went with a bunch of friends from school, but I didn't get pictures of Monroe with anyone but Landon.

Our big girl

Digging in the sand with Daddy

She loved feeding the goats.

Jumping on the air bladder

The spider web

 I love this picture!

Back to the bouncer with Landon

I love this picture of them! (Thanks, Danielle!)


Landon and Monroe 

She couldn't get enough of this slide.

Riding on the "train"

Back to feed the goats again

The ducks were one of her favorite things.  She couldn't pump the well on her own, but she loved helping.

 Family picture

Friday, September 21, 2012

State Fair 2012

I was able to go to the fair three times this year.  On Monday, I took my third graders there on a field trip.  The highlights were the sea lion show and the bengal tiger show.  On Friday afternoon, Monroe and I met Emily and Patrick at the fairgrounds.  Zach met up with us after football practice.  On Sunday, we went with my parents, but I forgot our camera.  
Monroe loves animals, so we were excited for her to see all the different animals there.  She enjoyed most of them, but there were definitely some she was afraid of.  
She was not too sure of the cattle.

She loved this hen

and the chicks.

 We tried to get her to pose for us on the hay bail couches.

I thought we would get a reaction from her when she tried Dippin' Dots.  She just wanted more.  They were, by far, her favorite fair food. 
My favorite fair food was, of course, fried oreos.  The only new thing we tried was fried Girl Scout Cookies.  We got Caramel Delights.  They were delicious.

 The petting zoo was fun for Monroe.  We didn't buy feed for the animals because Monroe still puts a lot of things in her mouth.  The animals tried eating from her hands anyway , though.

The fair is always a fun place to go as a family.  We love having it in Grand Island so we can go every year.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I wuv you!

On Thursday, we were in the car running errands.  
Monroe said, "Momma! Momma!"  
I asked, "What?"  
She said, "I wuv you!"  
Those three little words instantly melted my heart!  I made her say it a few more times because I didn't believe she had said it on her own.  That night, when I took her out of the bath, she wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered it again.  
I don't know what spurred her to say this phrase, but it is one of the best things I have ever heard!  I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing it.  Motherhood is such a blessing!