Saturday, June 28, 2014

VBS x2

Monroe attended two Vacation Bible Schools this month.  The first week of June, she went to Peace Lutheran's VBS with her friend Grace.  This is where Monroe will attend preschool in the fall, so we thought it would be a perfect time to get to know people and the building.  Monroe absolutely loved it!  She came home singing the songs everyday.  We ended up buying her the CD of songs.

They made their own butter

That next Sunday, the VBS kids performed three songs at the first part of the church service.  Monroe did a lot more watching of kids than she did singing, but that is okay.  We were a little bummed because they didn't choose any of the upbeat songs that Monroe loves.

The last week of June, Monroe did VBS at our church.   This one was in the evenings, and they served them supper.  

On the last night, they had a performance at the end.  The kids played their drums, waved ribbons, and wore super hero capes.

The younger kids-the older kids were spread out through the sanctuary.

This time, Monroe was much more into the music and the actions.

Monroe absolutely loved going to VBS.  Both times, she didn't want them to end, but she was also exhausted.  Zach and I really enjoyed this time too.  We used the 2+ hours a day to pack, run errands, and spend time together.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


When Zach was a kid, his family was in productions at the Crown Uptown Theater in Wichita.  Now, his childhood best friend is the artistic director there and runs the theater.  Matt has directed many shows, but this month he is acting in his first show that he is also directing.  We decided we wanted to see Matt and surprise him at a performance.  Zach's parents came with us.  
We left Wednesday after his parents were done with work. We didn't get to Wichita until almost midnight.  The next morning, we drove around town, seeing their old house and school.  The performance was a matinee.  It is a dinner theater, so we had lunch before the show.  

When we arrived, we texted Matt that he better come out and see us before the performance.  He could not believe that we had come.  
Hugs all around

Monroe wanted a picture of Matt.

Matt was Lord Farquaad in the show.  He was hilarious!  Everything was so well done!

I included this picture as well so you could see Matt's legs.

After the show, Matt took us back stage.  We got to see everything behind the scenes.  On Thursdays, they have two performances.  Because it takes three hours for Shrek to get his face on, he was keeping it on for the night performance.

We are so glad we went a saw Shrek.  We loved surprising Matt and seeing him use his talents.  

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Father's Day

Like last year, Monroe and I did a photo shoot for Daddy.  This year was so much easier because she loves posing for pictures.  We took the pictures at a beautiful park in Kearney.  Here are my favorites:

Here is the completed frame.

Father's day was the day we went to Adventureland.  Zach loves amusement parks, so it was a great way to spend the day as a family. 

Crashing together

We love you, Zach!  Thanks for being an amazing Daddy!