Sunday, November 30, 2014

Husker Game

Thanksgiving was really different this year.  We had already celebrated with my family two weeks ago, so we didn't go to North Platte.   Zach's family did things differently too.  We spent time with his parents on Wednesday and Thursday, but we didn't do dinner with the whole family.  They have always done lunch, but this year they did supper instead because it worked for more people.  We needed to drive five hours to Iowa, so we didn't stay for dinner.  I guess we saved ourselves a lot of calories.  We left Monroe with Zach's parents for the weekend.  Here are some pictures Grandma took of her.

We went to the Husker game Friday morning with my parents, siblings, my nephew Karter, my grandma, and my uncle.  My uncle was cheering for Iowa.  My grandma didn't care who won as long as it was close.  She got her wish!

Megan and Josh

We rode the Hawkeye Exress to the game.  It was a train that dropped you off right at the stadium.  It was great to not worry about parking or walking.

The Zachs

My mom and dad

Rod, Jess, and Karter

We knew ahead of time that the game was supposed to be cold, but it was a lot colder than was forecasted.  We froze!
That same day, it was 70 degrees in GI.

Here come the Huskers!

We won!  I am still not sure how, but we did.  It was an exhilarating game!  

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fun in the Snow with Family

This weekend we went to North Platte to celebrate an early Thanksgiving.  Instead of going there Thanksgiving weekend, our whole family is going to Iowa for the Husker game. We drove to North Platte from Lincoln on Saturday morning.  We had sent Monroe with Josh and Megan the night before so that she could have more time with family.  The roads on Saturday were not great.  There were many, many cars in the ditches.  We were glad when we made it.
That afternoon, the kids bundled up and played outside.  It was quite cold, so we didn't stay out long.  

 For the last few years, I have taken my sister's family's pictures.  This year we did them bundled up in the snow.  These two are my favorites.

 The cousins

It was a quick trip to North Platte, but it was so nice to be there.  We love time with family!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

80s Party

We went to a 30th birthday party for our friend Troy on Friday night.  It was an 80s party on a party bus in Lincoln.  We had fun figuring out what we were going to wear.  We had some of clothes, but we bought the rest.

Monroe wanted to try on our 80s stuff too.

I never got a full body shot of either of us the night of the party, so here is a picture of how Zach and I were dressed.

Me and Ashley

Look at these studs!
Troy actually cut his hair into a mullet and shaved his face to have just a mustache.

Everyone's outfits were awesome.  I never got a picture of all of us, but here are a few of the girls.

The bus drove around Lincoln and stopped at a few bars.  We had so much fun!
Happy birthday, Troy!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


We got to watch Monroe's dance practice for the first time on Tuesday.  It was fun to watch her interact with her classmates, dance to the music, and show us what she's learned.

Her class

I love her face in this one :)

On Sunday she had her first dance performance. It was at the Children's Day Festival.  They did 4 or 5 songs.

Monroe loves this song!

 They put on their luau costumes for one of their songs.

Monroe is loving dance!  She can't wait to go each week, and she loves showing us what she's learning.  I am glad she is enjoying it.