Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Day of Preschool

Monroe started her second year of preschool at Peace Lutheran on Thursday.  This year she is going three days a week.  Her teacher is Mrs. Hicken and Landon and Grace are both in her class.  
 Playing at open house

Her first day last year

I gave Monroe the option of having me take her on her first day, but she chose to have Mikki take her.  Mikki got this picture for me.

She is so excited to be at preschool again!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

VBS take 2

Monroe had VBS at our church July 26-30 in the evenings.  The theme was God's Backyard, so supper and every activity was outside.  It was a really hot week.  Sunday, the first night, there was a heat advisory.  It got cooler as the week went on.  

Zach helped with recreation one night.

 I taught the preschool class.  We had more preschoolers than any other age, so I had to teach three classes each evening.  My tent was a little warm.

On the last night, the kids practiced their songs in the gym before their performance.

Then they performed for all of the parents.

Monroe loved the songs they learned this year.

It was a fun week.  I'm glad I was there to help and watch Monroe enjoy herself.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

July Phone Dump

Grandma Deb made Monroe a tissue paper dress.

While Landon was on vacation, we got to babysit his fish Bubbles.  Monroe felt very important.

 Brewing beer -- It is quite a process!

We took Monroe to Grace Abbott pool one evening.  This is how she jumped in over and over.  It looked painful to us, but she didn't seem to mind.

Monroe and Knox talking in the fan

Meeting our new friend, Emersyn
This is the same smile she had when posing with Baby Finley :)

Playing mini golf

Happy 9 years!

Play date at the Hastings Splash Pad

Our friend, Tim, was in Omaha visiting family, so we took a day and went to visit him.

Monroe did a slip n slide for the first time with Tim's nieces and nephews

My Grandma Burkle had bowls like these.  I found them at an antique store, and I had to get them.

Holding Grace's grandma's kitten

Swimming at Grace's party

Happy Birthday, Grace!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Girls' Weekend

Each year, I get together with some friends from college.  Since graduating, we have done it every year but one.  This year, there were two seven month olds and a two month old, so we decided to do something low key.  We all met in Hastings for three days.

The day the girls arrived, this picture came up on my Timehop.  This is from my bachelorette party nine years ago.

Doing lunch

We went to Hastings College to see all the changes to campus.

Monroe loved Avery.  She was reading her books while she slept.

On Friday night, we invited the husbands over and we grilled out.

Terry, Callie, Me, Emily, Julie
There are seven of us who get together, but only five could make it this year.  

Going on a walk to the lake

On Saturday, they came up to Grand Island.  We went out to eat downtown and then did a little shopping.

Monroe had to hold Avery one last time.

It was a fun weekend catching up.  
We already have plans for next year to go to Colorado to visit Lindsay who just moved there.