Sunday, August 2, 2015

July Phone Dump

Grandma Deb made Monroe a tissue paper dress.

While Landon was on vacation, we got to babysit his fish Bubbles.  Monroe felt very important.

 Brewing beer -- It is quite a process!

We took Monroe to Grace Abbott pool one evening.  This is how she jumped in over and over.  It looked painful to us, but she didn't seem to mind.

Monroe and Knox talking in the fan

Meeting our new friend, Emersyn
This is the same smile she had when posing with Baby Finley :)

Playing mini golf

Happy 9 years!

Play date at the Hastings Splash Pad

Our friend, Tim, was in Omaha visiting family, so we took a day and went to visit him.

Monroe did a slip n slide for the first time with Tim's nieces and nephews

My Grandma Burkle had bowls like these.  I found them at an antique store, and I had to get them.

Holding Grace's grandma's kitten

Swimming at Grace's party

Happy Birthday, Grace!

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