Wednesday, October 5, 2016

September Phone Dump

Cousin Brooke making Pierce laugh

Our parents watch the boys on Fridays.  My parents were here two Fridays in September.  It is great having them.

Making granola bars

Go Huskers!

My class this year
They are a great group!

Zach and I went on a date to run errands.  It was good to get away.

Dance started back up

Hitting the piñata at Bentyn's birthday party

We tried to take a picture, but this is what we got when the flash went off :)  I love their faces!

Jed is two months younger than the boys.

Caramel apples with grandma

Splashing in puddles

We had both sets of parents over for a Husker game

Monroe and Mommy both had a rough week at school, so we needed a Sunday Funday.  We went and bought pumpkins and new earrings, and we chose the family's Halloween costumes.  It was much needed.

Silly sock day

1 comment:

  1. The picture of the flash is hilarious. It's crazy even how the boys both made the same face.
