Friday, January 13, 2017

December Happenings

On December 1st Ellie showed up!

Monroe also got to open her December 1st gift.

A movie, books, and jammies

The boys got jammies too!

Ellie had fun this year, but we got very few pictures of her.

Monroe and Mommy did a lot of Christmas treat making this year.

First fire

I found a peppermint puppy chow that I was obsessed with.  I actually made four different batches throughout the month.

We also made fudge for the first time.

There are 10 kids between these three families.  Five of them are under one.  Things have changed a lot since college!

Brainy opening her presents

Newell skate night

Baking with Nana and Papa

Monroe has an Advent calendar that has daily activities.  A candlelit bubble bath was one of her favorites.

Monroe was THE STAR in our church's Christmas program!

Leading the wisemen in 

Ringing the bell

Making gingerbread houses with her book buddy

Christmas party fun in Christmas jammies

Zach's cousins came to Nebraska from Nashville the exact days that we were at Great Wolf Lodge.  We met them for a quick dinner on our way back from KC.  The girls holding the boys are identical twins too!

Playing with new toys

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