Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Zach's Birthday

Zach's birthday was Sunday.  We let him sleep in and then made him breakfast.  Monroe was so excited about his gift.  She and I had gone shopping for some things she thought he needed.  

He got a new basketball (his other one was dirty), a camp chair, a putting cup, a hat, and a coffee cup.

By the look on her face, I think he almost made it.

Zach's parents, Derek, and Lea Ann came out to eat with us at Tso's.  Then we went back to our house for his birthday dessert.  Monroe and I made him a peanut butter dirt cake.  It was delicious!
Monroe insisted on 32 candles.

Happy birthday, Z!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Show and Tell

Last week Monroe was the class helper.  That meant that she got to bring show and tell on Friday.  She told me, "I just wish I could bring my brothers!"  Nana and Papa were watching the boys on Friday, so we worked it out for them to bring the boys to Newell between their naps.  
They had them looking so handsome!

Monroe loved introducing her brothers to her class and answering their questions.

Then they came to my classroom to meet my kids.  Every time the boys squealed or jabbered, they got a reaction, so they kept getting louder and louder.  My class loved it!

They got them a desk that was just the right size :)

My crew

It was such a special day for Monroe.  I'm glad that Nana and Papa could make that happen for her.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Valentine's Day

Two days before Valentine's day, on Sunday evening, we got a knock on our front door.  A student of mine delivered chocolate covered strawberries.  It was the sweetest gift!

Nana came over on Valentine's day to deliver some gifts and take Monroe on a little date.  Monroe opened her gift while she was with Nana, but here are the boys opening theirs.

We got Monroe The Little Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly doll.  Now she can stuff the lady's mouth as she reads the book.

A gift from Alicia and Monroe

We made a fancy Valentine's dinner.  We grilled steak and asparagus and made strawberry poke cake.

Monroe made us this puzzle, this picture, and a book.

I found an idea on Facebook that I wanted to try.  Every day from February 1st to the 14th, I wrote a reason why I love each of my family members and stuck it to their doors.  Zach and Monroe really liked it.
Zach's door:

Monroe's door:

Pierce and Graham's door:

I LOVE our family!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

First Cheerleading Camp

On Saturday, Monroe attended her very first cheerleading camp at Senior High.  She loved it!  In fact, afterward, when she found out it was a one day thing, she was so disappointed.  It is definitely something we'll be doing again in the future!
We had a number of family members in town for other reasons, so she had a great support group cheering her on!  The girls performed at halftime of the boys' basketball game.

Afterward, we went to Zach's classroom to show my parents.  Monroe wrote this message on the board :)