Thursday, July 27, 2017

11th Anniversary

When Zach proposed 12 years ago, my engagement ring came with a tiny shadow band.  We neither one liked it, and we have looked off and on for a different wedding band.  The problem is that my ring is contoured, so a straight band wouldn't sit flush. We've designed bands, but anything custom is crazy expensive.  We were at a jewelry store a couple months ago looking for a sizer because my ring had slipped off again without me noticing.  We started looking at their bands, and we found one that we both really liked.  I took pictures and we left.  I wanted to make sure we really loved it.
A couple months later, we pulled the trigger.  I had to give up my ring for about a week, but it was so worth it!  

My original ring is in the center, and the addition is the top and bottom bands.  I love looking at it!

On our anniversary, Zach got us a sitter, and I came downstairs to roses.  

Since it was our 11 year anniversary, Zach gave me 11 roses and Monroe 1.  

 We went to Kinkaiders and to Hear Grand Island. It was a nice night celebrating us!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Mahoney Vacation

We went on vacation with Zach's family to Mahoney State Park.   We went on walks and hikes every morning, did fun activities every afternoon, and then spent the nights playing cards and games after the kids were in bed.

Finding snails

The waterpark was the kids' favorite

I won!  

We also went to Zach's cousin's wedding

Before heading home, Nana gave the boys haircuts.  This is their third haircut, but the first one that she took off a lot.

We had a fabulous vacation at Mahoney, and we've already booked cabins for next summer.