Thursday, January 31, 2019


Monroe's favorite show is Dragons Race to the Edge.  It is a Netflix series based off of How to Train Your Dragon.  The boys like watching it with her.  We thought this would make fun Halloween costumes.

Astrid, a dragon rider

Pierce, a dragon

Graham, a dragon

This was the boys' first time trick-or-treating.  Last year, it was freezing cold, so we didn't take them out.  
It was a beautiful night!  We enjoyed meeting people in our new neighborhood.

We went to visit Nana and Papa at North Shore

And Grandma Dee

Monroe's favorite part is passing out candy, so we got home in time for her to do that.

Our stash

It was a wonderful Halloween!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Carving Pumpkins

This was the boys' first time carving pumpkins.  They chose a cat face.


 They weren't fans of how it felt, but they both were willing to try.

 Zach is definitely the artist of the family.  He did the drawing and carving.

They were pretty proud of their cat pumpkin

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Glenvil pumpkin patch for the first time.  It was fun to try a different one.

We met Zach's parents there and also his cousin's family





