Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Lasik Eye Surgery

 Zach has worn glasses since third grade.  Although he has contacts, it is very rare that he wears them.  His eye doctor in Grand Island told him a few years ago that he was a perfect candidate for Lasik because of his correction.  We talked about it for a few years.  Then, our friend, Amy, had her consultation for surgery over Thanksgiving.  Zach liked the price she told him, so he called to schedule his consultation.

His last picture in glasses.

I thought I was going to get a couple hours of shopping in, but I got a phone call 45 minutes after dropping him off that he was done.
He was supposed to lay down and close his eyes for four hours.  When he got in the car, his eyes were really sensitive.  He thought the light was so bright.  I went to a few more stores while he rested, and then we headed home.

When his four hours were up, he could already read things across the room.  He was quite pleased.

The only negative thing is that his eyes have looked like this for a month.  For the first few days, I couldn't look at him without my eyes watering.  He was told the redness could last 7-14 days, but it's lasted much longer. We're ready for it to be gone :)

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