Thursday, October 28, 2021

September Fun

Monroe has started playing trumpet.  At HPS, kids can start orchestra in 4th grade and band in 5th.  I love that they get them started before middle school.  So, now Monroe is playing trumpet, cello, and piano.  We'll see how long she wants to play all three.

Teaching her brothers how to play

On our last night of golf league, I had an awesome chip that landed next to the pin, and I got a longest drive prize!

Last weekend at the pool

A new favorite game from Nana.  It's called Buildzi.  I would highly recommend it!  It can be adapted for different ages.

First evening back to dance

Our friend, Vivian

Visiting the fountain

Their babysitter got married

We went to Paw Patrol the movie

Our community theater did Mama Mia.  It was so well done!

Playing with cousins

Monroe went to watch her cousin play volleyball. They made her the score keeper.

Then they got ice cream

Watching dad coach football

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Fall Soccer and Volleyball

Our kids had great fall volleyball and soccer seasons.  Zach and I coached the boys again.  This time, we had to have practices, which I wasn't planning on.  They ended up being fun, though.  We knew most of the boys on our team before the season started.  Monroe enjoyed volleyball.  It was the first year that they kept score at the games.  This was motivating to the girls, but also really distracting.  She has worked to get stronger with her serves and move backward.




Saturday, October 2, 2021

August Fun

We went to a Sodbuster's game not knowing we had family going as well.

running the bases

This came up on Facebook.  Zach told me he loved me after 3 days of dating! It took me a couple of weeks.

Beyond excited about their new backpacks

We had a picnic that night, and they wanted to use their new lunch boxes.

We stopped by a car show.  The kids loved it!
This was Graham's favorite vehicle.

And Pierce's favorite

And Monroe's

Playing at Tyler's

We had a great night on the golf course.  Kate and Amy both sunk awesome putts!

I love these girls!

10:00 am Haircut 1 complete and looking great!

12:00 pm looking great in new haircuts


They have cut their own hair, not once, but twice.

Hastings Museum

The next week Paige and I both had amazing putts!

Taking a break from golf

A Hastings Little League team made the Little League World Series.  We had so much fun watching their games and following their record-breaking season.

This gorgeous Clematis blooms in late summer, and I love it!