Saturday, October 2, 2021

August Fun

We went to a Sodbuster's game not knowing we had family going as well.

running the bases

This came up on Facebook.  Zach told me he loved me after 3 days of dating! It took me a couple of weeks.

Beyond excited about their new backpacks

We had a picnic that night, and they wanted to use their new lunch boxes.

We stopped by a car show.  The kids loved it!
This was Graham's favorite vehicle.

And Pierce's favorite

And Monroe's

Playing at Tyler's

We had a great night on the golf course.  Kate and Amy both sunk awesome putts!

I love these girls!

10:00 am Haircut 1 complete and looking great!

12:00 pm looking great in new haircuts


They have cut their own hair, not once, but twice.

Hastings Museum

The next week Paige and I both had amazing putts!

Taking a break from golf

A Hastings Little League team made the Little League World Series.  We had so much fun watching their games and following their record-breaking season.

This gorgeous Clematis blooms in late summer, and I love it!

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