Monday, March 13, 2023

Jan/Feb Fun


We were gifted this bread mix for Christmas

The boys read a book to their class. 

If you like Wordle, you need to try Quordle.  So fun!

Happy 100th day of school

We enjoy supporting Tiger sports

The boys had a field trip to Edgerton Explore-It Center

This quarter in band, they've focused on ensembles.  The kids put together their own ensemble groups, practiced, and then auditioned.  Monroe's group earned their way to Malcolm Music Contest.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Zach's birthday


Zach's birthday was February 26.  This year, I took the kids shopping so they could each pick something out.  Monroe got him a new travel mug and a gift certificate to babysit some evening.  Pierce got him a new golf shirt, and Graham got him a gift card to King Buffet.

I got him a couple coats to choose from.  

He went with this one.

Chocolate cobbler

Happy birthday!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

More Basketball for Monroe


Monroe had two more weeks of Y ball and three tournaments in Jan/Feb.

Watching basketball with cousins

Our boys thought they were on the team

We loved doing basketball weekends with this team!