Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week Three

Monroe and I had an eventful week.  My sister-in-law, Julie, came to stay with us for a few days.  Our days filled up quickly, and the time went way too fast.  Julie and Monroe enjoyed good cuddle time, and Julie and I laughed A LOT.  It was a great time.

On Friday night my siblings and parents came to our house to celebrate Mother's Day.  Grand Island is central for all of us, so we met here.  The night was beautiful, so we ate and played outside.  The kids had a great time, but I didn't get any pictures.

I had a nice first Mother's Day.   Zach's parents, his brother, Derek, and Derek's girlfriend, Emily, came to Grand Island for dinner.  We tried out the new Italian restaurant in town.  The food was delicious, and everyone loved holding Monroe.

90 degree weather brought out the summer clothes

Monroe also rolled from stomach to back for the first time on May 8th.  Less than one month old.

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