Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July Weekend

Zach, Monroe, and I had a fun weekend.  On Saturday night we had friends over for a barbecue.  The Johnstons, Bachmans, Rippes, Nicklins, Mays, and Aaron Duncan came over.  After dinner we had planned to go to the fireworks show, but we decided to light the firepit early.  We roasted marshmallows and made different kinds of s'mores. We used Hershey's, Reese's and Andes Mints.  I think I like the Andes the best.

On Sunday we drove to Holdrege to spend the day with some of my family.  Kaiya and Monroe were supposed to swim together, but Monroe wasn't interested.  Kaiya loved the water, though.  We then had a wonderful supper and lit off fireworks.

Getting ready to go swimming

Screaming immediately

Cousin Kaiya playing in the pool

Girl cousins

On Monday we went over to the Nicklin's for a pool party.  We again tried Monroe in the pool, but she still wasn't having it.  The adults swam and laid out.  After swimming we went back to their apartment for grilled pizzas.  Yum!

Emily and Monroe

Ready for the pool

Not interested

Posing with Emily again

Happy 4th of July!

Smiling with Mommy

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