Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bedroom Makeover

Zach and I started updating our bedroom this spring. 
Here is a picture of what our bedroom used to look like.  We decorated it like this when we moved in four years ago.  There were so many things that needed an update.

 Our makeover started when we purchased a king sized bed this spring.  We moved the new bed to an adjacent wall.  We also got new bedding to fit the bed and new curtains to match the bedding.  Those changes already made a huge improvement.

We love our new bedding!

Then, we painted our red wall gray to match the others.

The most exciting change came with a headboard that Zach and I made together.  He built the headboard, I painted it black, and then we both stenciled it.  Troy helped us trim it and hang it on the wall.  

When I was designing the headboard, I wanted something grand and unique.  I think we achieved both.

Here is the completed room.  
I absolutely love our bedroom now! 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Family Pictures

The last time we were in Jessi's studio, Monroe was seven days old.  We loved the pictures she captured then, and we were excited to have her take more later.  
In July, I took Monroe for a shoot at 15 months.  I didn't realize it before we left for Doniphan, but Monroe was not feeling like herself.  We only got a few smiles, but Jessi took some adorable shots.

Then, a couple of weeks later, we met up with Jessi again to do a family shoot and a second try with Monroe.  We had so much fun, and Monroe was definitely acting like herself.  Jessi was able to capture so many of Monroe's crazy expressions.

I love every shot that we got.  Thank you, Jessi!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

First Day of School

The new school year is off and rolling.  This year, like many years, comes with a lot of changes in our house.  After four years of teaching fifth grade, I decided it was time for a change.  This year I am back at third grade.  I am looking forward to a smaller class, more anxious learners, and less attitude.  So far, I am really enjoying the group I have.  
Zach has an even bigger change this year.  Last spring he interviewed for and was hired as the only new math teacher at Senior High.  He is teaching Algebra 1 and Geometry.  Although, he is thrilled to be at the high school, he is finding that there is a lot more prep work needed.  He is still the head coach of 8th grade football at Westridge, so he has a lot on his plate.

 First day of school picture

You can see how big Monroe is in this picture.

Daddy left for school early on the first day, so this was taken a couple days later.

Friday, August 17, 2012


I am very blessed to teach at a school with a lot of moms my age.  We get along well and try to get our families together often.  This summer we got together every Thursday morning with the kids.  We each picked a week and planned a place to meet.  There were 9 moms and 14 kids.  The kids range from age four to 3 months.  For our last play date, we drove to Hastings to play at their splash pad.  

 Monroe was not a fan of the cold water.  She mostly stood and watched the other kids run and play.  She was fine with that, though.

Lily, Hayden, and Will



Landon and Jadyn

Monroe and Jadyn

 The big kids thought they could control the water.  They would plug the holes and then run when the water came back up. 

Paisley, Will, and Monroe

We went to Burger King for lunch.  They have a play area, so we thought it would be a good choice.  The kids had a great time.

Landon and Paisley

Adysen and Jadyn

Hayden and Will


 All of the kids:
Lily and Hudson, Ady, Hayden, Jayden
Jacob, Landon, Paisley, Monroe, Braxton, Aubree, Will

I get told often how blessed we all are to have this group.  It is so nice that we are having kids around the same age.