Wednesday, November 28, 2012


We started our Thanksgiving break in Hastings.  We spent our time relaxing, laughing at Monroe and Josiah, and playing games. Bridge, Up the River and Back, and 5 Second Rule were the games of choice.  After dinner on Thursday, we took family pictures and got a lot of good ones.
Our family

Grandpa and Grandma with Josiah and Monroe

Derek, Dustin, Julie, Josiah, Melinda, Doug, Monroe, Erin, Zach

Great Grandpa and Grandma with Josiah, Monroe, and Dedrick

On Friday morning, we drove to North Platte to see my family.  We were excited to watch our two teams (Nebraska and Iowa) go head to head.

Grandpa reading Monroe her favorite book

On Saturday, Grandma planned a fun project for the grandkids.  They made an ice cream dessert with cool whip and ice cream sandwiches.  The kids had a blast making it, and it tasted even better than it looked.
Monroe took an early bite
Notice the Burkle tongue
Kaiya enjoying an ice cream sandwich
Caught in the act

The kids spent the weekend playing well together.  Monroe learned how to play rough like the boys.  Karter's rule that he made himself was that Monroe could push him, but he couldn't push Monroe.  I wonder how much longer he'll show her mercy.

The three big kids loved hanging on Uncle Yeah

Grandpa and Samara

On Sunday, I took family pictures for my sister and her family.  Here are some of my favorites.

We had a wonderful, relaxing weekend with both families.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That last shot is indescribably cute! Your ma is one fit grandma!
