Sunday, December 2, 2012

November Phone Dump

Monroe posing in her new outfit

When we were at Gordman's the other day, Monroe started pointing excitedly and yelling, "Landon".  It took me a while to figure out what she meant.  Then, I noticed these shoes.  Landon has some just like them.

Speaking of Landon, we met him at the Party Hut a couple weeks ago.

The kids had a blast, and Danielle and I got a good workout.

Every stuffed animal in her crib with her

Big helper putting away the silverware

Meeting Grant and Becki's new kitten

Reading on the kitchen floor


Crazy hair at Grandma's

This is an outtake of Monroe saying the ABCs.  Zach and I both love this one.


  1. Ahhh I loved seeing your pictures of Landon and Monroe together. I'm glad they are friends!

  2. I love her reading on the kitchen floor!!

  3. Looks like she formed an attachment with that kitty real quick:)

    The shots of her on the floor really show her morph from toddler to straight out KID!
