Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentine's Day

Last year, I didn't take a single picture on Valentine's Day, so I made sure to this year.  

Our family on Valentine's Day

Monroe opening her present from us

a ball,
bubble bath,
and big girl panties

Our "Love Bug"
Monroe made this for us at Mikki's.

This is what I made Zach.  His top love language is words of affirmation.  I am not good at giving words at all.  I made this to help me be intentionally affirming.

On Friday night Zach made me Banana's Foster, my favorite dessert in the world!  When he lit it on fire, I recorded it, but it wasn't as exciting as we expected.  Even so, the end result was delicious!

On Saturday night, Zach and I went out to Fuji for our Valentine's day.  I had just been there a few weeks ago with some friends, but Zach had not eaten on the Hibachi side of the restaurant in a year and a half.  The food was wonderful, and it was fun to have a night to ourselves.

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