Sunday, September 29, 2013

Scarecrow Patch

On Saturday morning, we went to the Scarecrow Patch with our friends, the Eickhoffs.  Their daughter, Grace, is 9 months older than Monroe, and they play well together.
We have been to Helgoth's the last two years, so we were anxious to try a new place.  

The Goosics were also there.

She loved playing in the corn.

Swinging with Daddy

Taking a ride

Jacob, William, Grace, and Monroe

Zach had fun with this corn launcher.

 This slide was quite fast! 

After the first time, she asked to go with Mommy.  I couldn't sit up in it.

The maze was the perfect size for the girls.  It took them a few tries to get out, and when they did it a second time, they didn't have it memorized yet. 

Last year, she was doing slides like this on our laps.  When did she get so big?

Getting so tall!

Even taller 

The zipline was both girls' favorite part.  They went again and again!

She liked the goats until this one had her fingers between his teeth.

 We have never gone out to pick pumpkins before, so we decided to try it this year.  It was a fun, new experience.

Zach is protecting our loot

It was a fun day spent at the Scarecrow Patch.  
We thought it was a really nice place.  Everything was closer together, which was great for Monroe.  We also liked that everything was clean and dry even though it had rained a lot the night before.  We would highly recommend this "Patch" to everyone!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Summer Project(s)

Zach and I always try to tackle some projects in the summer.  This summer's project was the front of the house.  We had a list of things we wanted to do.  

Here is what the house looked like before.  

And after.

We repainted the railing white

and caulked and painted all of the white trim, including around the garage.

When I tried touching up a few spots on the brown siding, the paint didn't match.  The paint was from a half-full can that we painted the house with five years ago.  I liked the new color better, so I repainted the front of the house only.  The new color is on the left.

We also replaced the light fixture

and the mailbox.
I made this 'R' too!

Inspired by Young House Love, I then decided to paint our front door.   

My original color choice seemed perfect on the swatch, but I hated it on the door. (Too bright)
I took the can of paint back to Home Depot and asked the guy to make it darker and bluer.  I really like the new shade.

The last project was to get the porch recarpeted. Ryan Steffen came and installed the carpet on Tuesday.  

We can now say that our front-of-the-house remodel is complete.  

Monroe's favorite part is the blue door, but she also says the new carpet feels nice.

I love it all, and I am glad to call this project done.