Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Burkle Christmas

On Friday, we drove to Lincoln for the Burkle Christmas.  Zach and I hosted (planned and made meals, organized the competition, brought games, cleaned, etc.) but it was at my sister and brother-in-law's house. 
We made cupcakes and frosted them for Jesus' birthday.

 Reading the story of Jesus' birth

Just like last year, we had the kids open presents first and we opened ours later.

Matching outfits

Karter was playing Santa

For this year's competition, we picked appetizers.

Josh and Megan made a Pesto Torta, my parents made Fleishbalken (a kind of meatball) with a hot mustard sauce, Zach made Bacon weave cups, and Jess and Rod made Cucumber cups with caramelized onions and bacon.

They were all delicious and unique, but there could only be one winner.

So the trophy goes to...

My parents

The kids had a great time with a laundry basket...

And with boxing gloves.  Monroe was wailing on Jensen.

That wrapped up our Christmas celebrations.  It was great to see family and spend time together.  We were blessed with so many new toys and gifts.   This is one of Monroe's favorites:
It's her first dollhouse. She got it from my parents.

Merry Christmas everybody!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Runcie Christmases

We went to Grandma Dee's house on Christmas for lunch with Zach's dad's side of the family.

That evening, we celebrated Christmas with Zach's mom's side

The next morning, we had Christmas with Zach's immediate family.
Zach's parents converted a piece of furniture into an armoire for Monroe's dress up clothes.  We're going to put it next to the stage in our basement.

Josiah got a tool set

Bath time that night

 Here's Monroe's awesome new play area.  What a lucky girl!