Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Monroe's 3rd Birthday Party

Monroe's birthday party started out rather rough thanks to the weather.  You would think there would be a guarantee of nice weather on April 15th, but 3 out of 4 years have been bad.  There was a snow storm the day she was born, an ice storm for her first birthday, and a snow storm again this year.  My brother called an hour before the party saying they were having to turn around a little after York.  My sister then called to say she was turning around as well.  My parents needed to get from Lincoln to North Platte, so they decided they had to keep going and not come to Hastings.  (It ended up taking them 6 1/2 hours to drive 3.) What was supposed to be a party for 9 kids ended up being a party for 4.  
Once I got over my disappointment, it was a great party!

My sweet girl

I decided to try something new with her party this year.  We did it at Champions in Hastings.  They decorated for me, I didn't have to clean, and there was so much for the kids to do.  

Zach's mom made the cake again.  I hope she knows this is now her yearly job :)

Great Grandma Dee


Great Grandma Linda


Dean and Doug wearing crowns

The adults outnumbered the kids by a lot.

Monroe makes giving presents so easy.  She oohed and aahed over every gift.  She would pick them up, hug them, and say, "I love it!" with almost every one.

I love this face!

This Anna doll with matching outfit for Monroe was one of her favorites

We were singing happy birthday

Monroe's best bud

Landon, Monroe, Dedrick, Josiah

The kids started out playing basketball


Then we played in the adventure maze.

After that, we went swimming

We also played in the arcade

And Landon made Monroe supper

The party was a huge success!  Monroe had a wonderful time!
When we got home that night, Monroe put on her Anna outfit and played with her new vacuum cleaner.

Monroe's actual birthday was on Tuesday.  I stayed home with the stomach flu and Zach had a track meet, so the day was not super exciting.  Monroe did take warm Paradise donuts with pink frosting and sprinkles to daycare for her friends.  When Zach got home from track that night, Monroe opened her present from us.

We got her a lawn mower and the Frozen movie.

Since none of my family was able to come to Monroe's party, we celebrated when we all got together for Easter. 

We sang to her, had leftover cake, and opened presents.