Thursday, December 31, 2015

Our Christmas

Santa came!

Monroe got exactly what she asked for!
She made it easy this year.  She only asked Santa for this stroller and My Little Pony panties.

Monroe made us an ornament at preschool.

A few weeks ago, we gave my sister money, and she took Monroe shopping for Zach and I.  Jess was really impressed with her shopping skills.  Monroe loved watching us open her presents.

I found Monroe a new neck pillow at a craft fair.  Monroe thought it was a boppy for her babies :)

We worked pretty hard to wrap Monroe's big gift from us :)
Her new baby bed

Monroe is so excited to play with all her baby things.

Monroe bought me a new necklace and matching earrings.  

Ho Ho Ho

Merry Christmas!

For lunch we drove to Grandma Dee's house

That evening we drove to North Platte.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we made cookies to share with Santa

The day was perfect!  Snow was falling outside and Christmas music was playing inside.

Decorating the cookies was her favorite part

Aren't they beautiful?

That evening we drove to Hastings to go to church with Zach's parents.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Losing Baby A

On December 17th Zach and I went to the doctor for a scheduled appointment.  We had Monroe with us, as she was going to see the babies for the first time.  The doctor began the ultrasound with Baby A.  He seemed to be adjusting and refocusing a lot.  That's when I realized what he was looking at.  There was no heart beating on the screen.  He then pointed out fluid and swelling on it's head that we couldn't really see.  He told us we had lost the baby, and that it had happened recently.  He said that judging by the fluid, the baby probably had a chromosomal issue.  He quickly checked that the other two had heartbeats and then told us what to look for in the next few days.  He explained that we needed the baby to stay in place.  If it delivered or miscarried, the other two could come with it.  We left devastated and panicked.  Not only had we lost a baby, we were afraid we'd lose the other two.  
The next few days were obviously difficult.  We had lost a child, and everything in our world was about the triplets.  We had a lot to deal with mentally and emotionally and a lot of people to tell.  On the 21st, I called the clinic in the morning to see if we could get in to see the perinatologist (a high-risk pregnancy doctor) who was in town from Omaha.  They squeezed us in at the end of the day.  Seeing her did a lot to ease our fears.  She does not think that we will lose the other two babies, and she answered all of our questions.
At the end of the appointment, we found out that the identical twins are BOYS.  It was perfect news to end a horrible four days.  For some reason, everything just seemed okay after that.  We have a lot to be thankful for and a lot to look forward to.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Church Christmas Program

Monroe had her church Christmas program on Sunday.  She was excited to be an angel again.

She was the littlest angel

The kids all did a great job!

Then we had a birthday party for Jesus!

My parents were able to be there for her performance.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Preschool Christmas program

Ready to Sing

This was a super cute song!

Landon and Grace

Monroe loves her teacher, Mrs. Hicken.