Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Weekend

We went to North Platte this weekend to spend Easter with my family.  On Saturday morning, we went to the children's museum.  It was a lot of fun! I so wish we had one in GI.

 We spent a lot of time in the medical room.  They had doctor's kits and tables, x-rays, and animals to work on.  They also had a giant Operation game.

Jensen was really intent on fixing this lizard.

Monroe loved the (fake) reaction she got from Jess.

 This pirate's ship was super cute too.

That afternoon, we played outside a lot.

My mom got the kids matching pajamas for Christmas, but we didn't get a picture of all five of them wearing them.  So, we did it this weekend.

I Love this picture!

The next morning, we got up and went to church.  Monroe was very excited that this was the day that Jesus had risen from the dead.

I love this one of the kids too!

 After pictures, we had our Easter egg hunt.  Grandpa always reads a story about the meaning of Easter while my mom and brothers hide the eggs.
Monroe had to find the purple eggs this year.

Monroe crawled up into Grandma's baby swing, and Samara was pushing her.

We had a great Easter together!

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