Thursday, July 23, 2015

Omaha Zoo

We decided to plan a trip to the Omaha Zoo this summer.  We have taken Monroe to the Lincoln Zoo each year, and last year we went to the zoo in Des Moines.   We thought the middle of the week would be the best, and we ended up picking a perfect day.  The weather was almost chilly in the morning, and there was a nice breeze all day.  Since we hadn't been there before, we didn't know how long Monroe would last.  We weren't taking a stroller, and we would be skipping nap.
She did great!  We were there six hours, and we saw every exhibit.

This fox opened his eyes for her.

A white alligator

This orangutan just hung here

This mama and baby gorilla were so fun to watch.

 These beautiful cats came right up to the fence.

 Catching a ride

Digging for fossils in the play area

 Petting Zoo

 Touching starfish

Swinging in the rainforest

We had a great day!
Zach's favorite part was the aquarium, mine was the big cats, and Monroe's was the baby gorilla.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

New Niece

Megan and Josh were expecting their third child on July 13th.  Megan was induced late with the first two and was hoping to go on her own this time.  Things happened quickly with this delivery and she delivered the baby standing next to her bed 30 minutes after arriving at the hospital.  We were all very anxious to find out if it was a boy or a girl.  Josh wanted a third girl and Megan thought it was a boy.  
Josh sent us a text that said, "Team girl wins again!!"
We couldn't believe it!

Finley Dawn Burkle
8lbs 2oz, 20 3/4 in long

We got to meet her that weekend.

Her new smile

The big girls were playing dress up ninjas.
Finley is the 6th grandchild for my parents.  There are now two boys and four girls.

Welcome to the world, Finley!  We are so glad you are here!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Cousin visit

Kaiya and Samara came and spent a couple days with us, just because.  We met them at York on Monday afternoon.
Getting three carseats in our SUV was a bit tricky.

Snack Time!

Stolley Park Pool

We borrowed a friend's bike so that all three girls could have one.

I had made an ice activity that I found on Pinterest.  You freeze plastic toys in layers of ice.  Then, you use spray bottles and tools to free the toys.  
It was harder than I expected.  They worked at it for a long time, and then the older two took a break to ride bikes.  Samara refused to give up.  In the end, they got everything out.

We met Megan at York on Wednesday evening.  
We had so much fun having cousin time for a few days.  The girls played great and weren't ready to go home.