Thursday, March 24, 2016

Baby update

26 weeks


You can't tell from the pictures, but my stomach is getting much wider.
I am getting quite uncomfortable as well.  

We had an appointment with the Perinatologist on Monday.  They are very pleased with the boys' progress.  Both boys were breathing on the ultrasound.  This is a voluntary motion, and according to the ultrasound tech, shows a sign of contentment.  It was cute to see their chests rising and falling.   She also commented on how much the boys were moving.  She asked if they ever took a break.  I emphatically replied, "No!" because they move all the time!  They have grown a lot in the last month.  Baby B is measuring 3 lbs 10 oz (40th %) and Baby C is measuring 4 lbs 2 oz (80th %).  Although this may seem like a big difference, it is within a good range for twins. 
The appointment didn't help us know if we are close to delivery.  They gave me signs to look for, but that is all.  The boys are both breech at this time, so hopefully they will readjust before they decide to deliver.
Baby B

Baby C
He was trying to suck his thumb.  We could see his tongue moving in and out of his mouth.  We finally got his thumb out of his mouth, but his hand was still in front of this face.


  1. Love the ultrasound pictures! Keep hanging in there!

  2. Ahhhh, so sweet! I can't wait to meet them.
