Sunday, January 21, 2018

Runcie Christmases

On New Years Eve we got together with Zach's family.  Doug made beef wellington, which was delicious.

Then we opened gifts from Zach's grandparents and gave them our gifts.

Then next morning, we opened gifts from Nana and Papa.

We got Monroe and Haven matching ear warmers

Graham wanted to wear his new shoes, so he opened the rest of his gifts in his diaper and shoes.


Our boys love these horse bouncers

Monroe was so excited to get an American Girl doll.  

She got a Truly Me doll that looks just like her.  She named her Clara.

 Matching PJs

That afternoon, we went to Brooke and David's for the Schwab Christmas. 

 Pierce loved the big boy toys

Our first family picture with Haven

We had a wonderful Christmas break with family!

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